What is the Yoga Sutra?
"Yoga Sutra" is a Sanskrit - term that deals with „ Yoga Guide " translates. Before approx. This font was written by Patanjali, an Indian scholar. It is considered the Original text of yoga and it is actually one of the oldest traditions of the yoga tradition.
The text consists of 195 verses, which are divided into 4 chapters. It is therefore a very brief description of yoga, which is also very simple linguistically, which is why the translations, comments and interpretations differ greatly in some cases.
Apart from a translation into Arabic around 1000, the Yoga Sutra was ignored outside of India until a few centuries ago. With the interest in yoga in Europe and North America, however, interest in traditional yoga writings grew, which is why the Writing has now been translated into many languages was.
In a nutshell, this yoga guide is about, what yoga is, what distinguishes yoga - path and how yogis find themselves and thus enlightenment can.
Who was Patanjali?
Patanjali was an Indian scholar whose life is unknown. But it is believed that he between the 2. Century BC and the 4. Century AD lived Has.
Around his origin different legends. One says that his mother was Gonika, who lived as an ascetic and asked the sun god Surya for a student to pass on her knowledge. Then a snake fell from the sky, turning into a boy, and asked to be her student.
The name Patanjali consists of „ pat “( fly, fall down ) and „ anjali“ ( greeting -, keeping on ).
Because of the legends about its origin, Patanajali often represented as a hybrid. The lower body is that of a snake and the upper body that of a man.
Chapter One: Samadhi Pada ( About Enlightenment )
In the first chapter Patanjali defines what yoga is: „ Yoga is the - Rest - Bringing the movements in the mind ”( Yoga Sutra 1.2 ). He explains that the goal is to recognize his true self.
It will declares that samadhi is an overconscious state and that there are different types of enlightenment.
Patanjali also explains in this chapter, what the mind is, how it works, how to control your mind and thoughts and that this is not a quick and easy way. „ Without a doubt, success arises when a well-founded practice is practiced for a long time, without interruption, with seriousness and care ”( Yoga Sutra 1.14 ).
Chapter two: Sadhana Pada ( About practice )
In this chapter Patanjali describes the sufferings ( Kleshas ) that influence people's actions and thinking, and their causes and effects.
He explains what karma is and what spiritual practice should look like. „ A practice with rigor and Mindfulness towards himself, without being arrested for the result, is called Kriya - Yoga ”( Yoga Sutra 2.1 ).
Patanajali defines the Yoga - Path, which is composed of 8 different links:
- Yama ( Moral, Ethics ): Nonviolence, Truthfulness, Not - Stealing, Chastity, No Desire
- Niyama ( Self-discipline ): purity, satisfaction, discipline, self-study, dedication
- Asana ( Physical Exercise )
- Pranayama ( Control of the breath )
- Pratyahara ( Withdrawing the senses inwards )
- Dharana ( concentration )
- Dhyana ( Meditation )
- Samadhi ( Enlightenment, Sinking )
In this chapter the first 5 aspects of eight-part yoga - paths are described in detail.
Chapter three: Vibhuti Pada ( About the results )
Patanjali goes into the last three aspects of eight-part yoga - path in detail: concentration ( Dharana ), meditation ( Dhyana ) and enlightenment ( Samadhi ).
He explains their effects and goes particularly intensively on the extraordinary ones Skills that can be achieved through concentration. The practitioners then find clear insights and can distinguish between their thinking self ( citta ) and the recognizing consciousness.
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