How to Perform Bhastrika Pranayama

How to Perform Bhastrika

  • Sit in vajrasana or sukhasana (cross-legged position). (Pranayama can be more effective in vajrasana as your spine is erect and the diaphragmatic movement is better.)
  • Makes a fist and fold your arms, placing them near your shoulders.
  • Inhale deeply, raise your hands straight up and open your fists.
  • Exhale slightly forcefully, bring your arms down next to your shoulders and close your fists.

  • Continue for 20 breaths.
  • Relax with palms on your thighs.
  • Take a few normal breaths.
  • Continue for two more rounds.

Things to remember :

  • Do it closed eyes for maximum benifit
  • Make sure you practice it on an empty stomach.
  • Pregnant women should avoid it..
  • Do it at your own pace. If you feel dizzy, increase the duration of the breaks.
  • If you suffer from hypertension and panic disorders, then do it under the supervision of a teacher.

Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama:
  • Favourable effect on the respiratory and digestive system.
  • Drains excess phlegm from the lungs.
  • Oxygenates the blood increasing the vitality of all the organs and tissues
  • Strengthens and tones the abdominal region.
  • Calms the mind
  • Energizes the entire body and mind.

  • Now that the question of what is Bhastrika pranayama & its benefits are answered – Do try it out and enjoy this monsoon season with radiant health.
