Your mind and food

 Food you eat makes your mind

YOUR BODY is an absolute accumulation of what you eat and the air you breath, but your brain is part your body and your mind is product of what you eat and what you learn (cultural, chemical and physical influence )

On earth, life started as single cell and after million years of evolution, we are here with such an enormous diversity of life. The human brain has been an instrumental leap in evolution. Brain marks out human beings among other living creatures. The Brain which a lot of species lacks still they can make many decisions. These decisions might or might not be as complex as we take every day, but every lifeform makes a decision to survive. So as a human being we have just different a level of complexity over other lifeforms. Just to say in simple language we are just complex network of few other simple organisms combined. We humans have that luxury over the other organisms to think beyond survival. So we should utilize in every aspect of our life.

All the lifeforms, be it single cell or multicellular, cell is the basic unit of life. When we look at the single-cell, its a completely autonomous body which can function alone or in a group. If we look further inside the cells, these cells are made up of certain chemicals. Grossly its and autonomous chemical machinery holding some genetic information enveloped in a lipid bilayer. The genetic machinery in the cell produces the substances based on their function and external factors and epigenetic information. And there is a lot of information known about how this whole machinery works. To run this life unit: the cell, like all machines, it also needs energy. Cell or organism derives its energy from chemicals in the surroundings that we call it as ‘food’.

Our body, Brain, and mind are very important things we have, these three things are very much connected to each other and FOOD. The food we eat has very much influence on our body and the brain and mind.

We started our journey on this planet as a single cell in the mother's womb, which was fertilized by the sperm. This single-cell undergo dramatic events of embryonic development and withing few months a small human comes out. This baby approximately 50 cm long and 3 to 4 kg in weight develops into an adult and undergoes so many events until it completes its journey on the earth. During the journey from small single oocyte with negligible weight develops into a full-grown organism with millions of cells, (approximately 60 kg) from where does this come? The simple answer is food we eat, the things we drink, and the air we breathe. So physically, we are the accumulation of our food. Our body/cells convert the things we eat and drink into our body itself with thousands of chemical reactions. The complex processes in cell uses food to feed themselves, to make new cells or repair the damages. And also as an organism lot of it used to defend from pathogens. So the food we eat is going to be our body. So we should be very careful about what to eat what not to.

The brain is a very distinct part of our body. It does astonishing stuff in this world. Whatever we see in the outside world that is created by the human being was first to build in someone's brain, and only later it came into existence. So it's a mighty machine which is capable of doing things we could ever imagine. Every one of us has this machine; it's only the question of how we use it. This powerful machine, 'the human brain' has a very evident role in our psychological well being of a person. But does it have any role in our physical well being? Let's explore if our brain has some role in our physical well being.

Let's begin with a very simple example to understand, brain-body connection. Imagine you are in your kitchen. You took out the lemon, you brought it to your nose, and it smelled like a very fresh lemon. You took out a knife and cut it into two pieces. Then you put one of the parts on your tongue and lick it. It was very pleasing taste. This much description is enough to activate your salivary gland without real lemon being there. It was all in your imagination, and just an imagination can activate very crucial responses like the stimulation of salivary glands. Salivary glands play a significant role in our digestion, and so is in our bodybuilding. Just your imagination can do wonderful or worst things to your body. Imaginary feelings in your brain about sex love, fear, smell, taste, etc. puts your body into a specific response. So there should be no doubt that your brain has very much role in your physical structure also.

Eating sufficient food and nutrition and give you an excellent physical structure, but are we just body or physical structure? We have much more complicated mental, the conscious structure also includes our thoughts and memories we carry. We are just not a structure of chemicals, but we even our thoughts and memories we carry through our thoughts and memories generated or stored? This is a very complex and unanswered question in science but what we know is the process is carried out by chemical and structures in our brain and brain cells.

Psychiatry is a mixture of feelings originated by the reaction of complex biochemical reactions throughout the body and not just the Brain. Our lives are much more influenced by the body for our psychiatry than we think. Of course Brain is major controlling center but its not all.


So our body, and brain a part of it, comes from our accumulation of food. Then throughout our life we collect the information with brain and body and store it in froms of memories. Lot of exernal factores like our family society and external things give shape to be what we are right now. So We are a mere accumulation of the chemicals arranged by the beautiful system and thoughts and memories we collect throughout our life. 
